Prayer to Restore a Broken Heart

Heavenly Father,  

Thank you for another day with breath in my body.
Thank you for the blood flowing through my veins.
Thank you for your new mercies to share the gift of this day with me. 
I take courage in this day because I know that you cannot fail me.
And that is why I am asking you for the bread that will feed my soul.
I have been heavy in my heart
I have been exhausted in my soul
I have been disappointed by people time after time again
And when I feel disconnected in my marriage...
When the person who is supposed to be closest to me is the furthest from me, 
It breaks my heart. 

I am bringing the shattered pieces of my heart to you today.
Because I know you care. 
You know the number of hairs I have on my body.
You know my innermost thoughts...
My dreams, and my fears.
And one of those fears has been facing life with a broken heart. 
I cannot bear it.
And that is why I am crying out to you today. 

Because you promised that you heal the brokenhearted
You said that you care about the things that burden me
And even now, while things seem to be all wrong in my marriage...
I trust that you are the one who will use the pain that we are both facing
To turn all of the shattered and broken glass of our feelings
Into a beautiful story of triumph over the odds. 

I pray that you help me to see what I need to learn from this pain
Teach me to appreciate the purpose in all of this.
And I ask you to fill me with your peace.
The type of peace that does not focus on the tiny details of the circumstances.
But the type of peace that commands the winds.
Because I know that is how you want me to use this pain. 
You want me to create my own experience of this life.
Where I am always the victorious, and never the victim. 

Father, I also ask for your joy.
Because your joy gives me strength to keep moving forward.
To keep choosing to love, even when love hurts. 
To find laughter and appreciation in the places that I have overlooked. 
To allow the laughter of life to be the medicine I need as you strengthen my heart. 

Thank you for being with me.
At times, marriage feels so lonely.
Which makes no sense to me. 
But I take comfort in knowing that I am never alone. 
And even when my spouse does not understand me.
Or when they do not seem to care at all about the way I am suffering right now. 
I can always trust you to always be true.
I can trust you to always be love. 
Even when I am behaving in an unlovable way.
Or when my spouse is pushing my patience to the fullest of my limits. 
I can rest and know that it is not by my own strength, but by yours that I heal.

Thank you for every moment of broken-ness in my life.
So that I may witness the power of your healing touch.
And that I may take comfort in your loving embrace.
As you create a new heart for me.

Prayer for Peace in the Storm

Heavenly Father, 

I bless you for the gift of life. 
Thank you for the mercy you have shown me--
For the opportunity to experience beauty, 
And to be a living expression of your enduring love. 

I even thank you for the storm that is raging around me right now. 
I thank you that you are in the center of this storm with me.
And that I, within your loving embrace, am in the eye of the storm.
Where there is peace, calm, and tranquility as the winds and rain rage all around me.

I set my focus on you right now.
Because in you there is fullness of joy.
And peace that is higher than my circumstances. 

Thank you for never leaving me.
Thank you for never turning your back on me.
Thank you for giving me this moment to reach you.
Thank you for hearing me when I cry out to you. 

And for every tear I cry...
I thank you for never taking them for granted. 
And for using them for my healing, and never to harm me.
Today, I trust you with the shattered places of my heart--
Knowing that your love and kindness will put every piece back together.
And with this gift you make me better.
Yes--even in the midst of this storm.

It will not break me, but strengthen me.
It will not blow me away, but cleanse me.
May it be so according to your purpose for my life.
You are my storm shelter.
And I will continue to rest here with you.
Until the storm passes.

I pray these things in your name of authority  here on earth and in the unseen realm of the spirit- Yahusha ha Mashiac (Jesus, the Anointed King).


The Law of Intention (Energy) and Neglect (Entropy)

The principle of entropy indicates that disorder in any system will naturally increase over time if left unattended, and this concept can be applied to marriage. Without intentional effort to nurture the relationship, a marriage will inevitably deteriorate. Therefore, it's crucial to consistently evaluate and address areas where neglect has crept into our thoughts, words, or actions.

By recognizing and tackling these areas of neglect, we create pathways for intentional growth and improvement in our marriages. This transformation begins with the individual, fostering habits of intentionality within oneself, which then naturally extend to how we interact with our spouses. The practice of intentionality not only enhances personal growth but also strengthens the marital bond, making the relationship more enjoyable and fulfilling.

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