Justice for the Rejected and Abandoned

I want to talk to y’all about justice. I am here to help some orphaned folk, some rejected folk, and some abandoned folk. I am here for you tonight. I wanted to share these stories with you because I want you to know how close, near, and dear your feelings of abandonment are to me. I want you to know that you are not alone.
I am going to judge some things tonight.
If you are ready to get free, if you are ready to be restored, if you are ready to shed off the spirit of rejection and the spirit of abandonment, if you are ready to step out of the clothes of an orphan, and if you are ready to step out of the shame and rejection of being a love child—I am here to judge those things tonight and to help you get free.
I want you to know that the Father's love is moving and compelling me to speak a judgment over your life tonight. And so, I want to go ahead and establish a foundation for what we’re about to do in this spiritual judgment tonight.

The Standards of Judgment

1. Kindness to the Fatherless and Widows

This is a well-established principle of biblical law. The Most High does not play when it comes to fatherless children. He does not play when it comes to widows. These, in the Kingdom of Heaven, are the most vulnerable in society. And because they are the most vulnerable, when it comes to mistreating this particular group of people, the Most High is not having it.

2. Humility in Judgment

We have all fallen short of the glory of the Most High. We have all been liars. We have all been cheaters. We have all done wrong. None of us are without fault. None of us are without blame.
Anyone who takes a position of self-righteousness, as though they have no fault, is neither qualified nor permitted to judge according to the mandates of the compassion of the King. Knowing and recognizing that you, too, are a sinner—that in thought, word, and deed, you are flawed and in a dying body—this is the second standard of justice: being humble in judgment and recognizing that you, too, have fallen short of the glory of the Most High.

3. Equity in Judgment

In John 8:7, when the woman was caught in the act of adultery, the whole town gathered to stone her to death. But where was the man she was caught with? He was supposed to be punished too, but they focused only on taking the woman out of the game.
When Yahusha showed up, He declared a principle of equity—meaning fairness in judgment. He asked, “He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”
The people had to examine themselves. They had to have honest conversations with themselves about their own secret sins—the things nobody knew about, the thoughts they had, the words they spoke in private. And because of this, they walked away without executing judgment on that woman that day.
This is the principle of equity in judgment.

4. Forgiveness Given is Forgiveness Received

The law states that if you want to be forgiven for your sins—your filth, your funk, your unrighteousness—then you must first forgive those who have wronged you.
I call these spiritual bankruptcies—a complete discharge of all debts. Every debt owed to you and every debt you owe to the Father shall be forgiven.

Are You Ready to Be Free?

Are you ready to receive justice and restoration from an orphan spirit?
Are you ready to be free from rejection, guilt, and shame?
If so, we’re about to go through a legal process. This is my authority by which I declare and judge this thing concerning you tonight:
"The Spirit of the Most High is upon me because the Most High has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound."
You have been bound in abandonment.
You have been bound in rejection.
You have been bound in guilt and shame.
Tonight, I declare your freedom from the prison you have been living in.

My Final Judgment and Decree Concerning You

  1. Your broken heart is mended, healed, and restored. You will no longer have a heart of stone that builds up walls to keep people out. You shall have a heart of flesh. You shall love again.
  2. Victory over rejection. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are accepted by the Most High. He is not playing when it comes to you.
  3. Justice over the orphan spirit. No longer will you be known as the orphan or the love child. You will be known as the King’s child.
  4. Acceptance by the Father. His acceptance utterly destroys the spirit of abandonment over your life.
  5. Divine protection. The Most High gives His angels charge over you. No evil will befall you.
  6. Peace that surpasses understanding. You did not choose the mess you were born into, but the Most High’s peace shall be upon you.

Enforce Your Judgment

When the enemy comes whispering lies that you are worthless, pull out your court order and enforce it.
"My Daddy said this about me!"
"My Daddy said I am more than an overcomer!"
"My Daddy said I am accepted!"
"My Daddy has collected every one of my tears!"
"My Daddy knows the number of hairs on my head!"
"I am NOT an orphan! I am LOVED!"
That is your court order to enforce whenever fear or doubt tries to creep in.

Final Words of Encouragement

To those of you who are getting free—I celebrate you!
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May you be blessed and encouraged. Always remember this: The destination is love. The journey is love. And it is love that conquers all fear and transforms our world.